Bgun awal konon nak study tp x terstudy pun huhu.bsuh baju je pagi ni..besnye men air sabun yehaaa…on da way nk gumbirakan hati yg x seberapa gumbira ni org try pikir something yg beautiful n tetiba je pikir psl love.hm ada sorng member org ni penah mtk pandangan org psl love.haha time tu mmg org x reti jwb ar…klu tya math bole la jawab dgn agak pantasnya. Pikir punya pikir hm inila hasilnya even x sehebat sasterawan negara.wink!!wink!!

only one is really an heart
"Love is an Energy, Love is a Mystery, Love is Meant to be True, Love is a Part of My Life,Love is a Heart of Me,LOve is the Best Thing We Do.....”
i hope i'm answering her question.hoho zaiela